Thursday, December 31, 2009

56 of 365TTSM - people who put their rubbish in my skip.

Who would have thought that something as simple as a skip would provide such good blog fodder.  I liked our last skip so much I ordered another one, which we managed to fill up with all sorts of renovation rubbish yesterday. But when we went out this morning, there was a bag of rubbish that hadn't originated with us. It was a green rubbish bag full of manky jackets. I could probably just tolerate someone else's funky rubbish in our skip, but this stuff was decidedly uncool. At the very least, they could have tied up the bag so I didn't have to see its contents. Yick.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear Loungesister ...
    Here in the refined Churchill Avenue our bins are heavily protected by the bin-managers at numbers 250 and 248. Along the street a little are some students with unsavoury takeaway leftovers. Too many unsavoury takeaway leftovers to fit into their bin. Having discovered that just stacking boxes on top of their bin meant the council's binmen would ignore their bin, they took to stealing along the avenue secretly in the early hours of Sunday nights to add their manky and decidedly stinky (fish sauce at the end of the week, yuk!) rubbish in the bins of 250 or 248. Thus the ever-alert and bin-proud bin managers now patrol, monitor and protect their bins, currently putting them out only at dawn when heedless students are comatose on someone's floor.
    But that is by the way. Catching up on your delightful blog has quite restored my faith in human folly and been thoroughly enjoyable. Not to mention introducing me to the mullethawk concept. Wow! Thank you!
