Tuesday, December 1, 2009

25 of 365TTSM - non-vegetarians eat all the vegetarian food

This was the last piece of vegetarian pizza at the banquet lunch I attended today. There were about 10 people and eight different dishes - two of which were vegetarian. There was one vegetarian at the table (that would be me), so imagine my shock when I looked up to see this last lonely bit of vege pizza left, when I had only eaten one piece. Oddly, there was rather a lot of the non-vegetarian pizza and pasta left. Okay, non-vegetarian people - the token items of vegetarian food in a banquet meal are not there for you to have a novelty culinary experience ("oooh - food that doesn't contain dead animals - I must try some!"). They are there for us who do not eat meat to, you know, EAT FOR LUNCH. 


  1. I feel your pain. That happens to me all the time, well, actually, when caterers or organisers of catering remember to get gluten free food for me, usually a piddly little plate that everyone else has to 'taste just to see what gluten free food is like'. NO BUGGER OFF THATS MY LUNCH. People who help themselves from the dietary requirement plates should be shot.

  2. I always try to make sure there are heaps of non meat options available, but usually coz I like them more than the carnivorous options. And, you missed a cracker of a party (but not at your house, this time...) Captain America even made an appearance!!!
