Wednesday, December 9, 2009

33 of 365TTSM - teaspoons that melt in hot liquid

Today we bought some plastic teaspoons so my partner in renovation could have sugar in his coffee when we took a break from sanding to have a cuppa. When I used one to stir his coffee, it went soft and squishy and changed shape and colour (the front spoon in the picture). Obviously, it was not meant to be used in hot water. TEAspoon. Tea is hot. Spoon melts in hot liquid. I don't understand.


  1. For fear of being the next irritant... looks like you bought SPOONS not TEAspoons.

  2. Well, FitnessFreak, you would have been the next irritant if you had not been so startlingly accurate, so I say, touche to you. I went and looked at the packet more carefully this morning and it did, in fact, specify that the spoons should not be used in substances hotter than 50C. I almost wrote another blog entry on the topic, I was so infuriated. Why make spoons look like teaspoons when they are not teaspoons? They are significantly smaller than normal spoons and the packet next to them was or normal sized spoons, so I assumed they must be for tea. Wouldn't you? They are too small to eat my cereal, or much else really, so I now have a completely useless packet of mini-spoons that are not teaspoons. It is so, so wrong.

  3. Designed for babies/toddlers/small children (or parents of)? Or for dieters... so they'll eat slower? High on the irritating scale.
