Our new house in Hobart is accessible via a very narrow street (a fairly common phenomenon in the old parts of Hobart). Someone who lives in the very narrow part of the street has decided it's a good idea to keep their boat parked on said street. So every time we need to drive along the street, we have to drive very slowly and carefully past the boat, which takes up an unreasonably large amount of street space. Now, I could somewhat accept the boat-parking and its accompanying inconvenience if it seemed the boat's owner loved his or her boat with a passion and took it out to enjoy the Derwent on a regular basis - even more so if they did something noble like photographing penguins or endangered sea creatures, as opposed to catching and killing fish. However, the boat trailer is resting on bricks that look like they haven't moved for several years and the boat is now full of a thriving community of local spiders (one of whom probably has a little spider boat that is blocking someone's web accessway and really pissing off all the other spiders). My message to the boat's owner is: "Get over the dream. You're never going to have time to go boating. Sell it and put the money towards buying a Smart car or a bicycle or SOME OTHER FORM OF TRANSPORT THAT DOESN'T REALLY ANNOY YOUR NEIGHBOURS!!!!".
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