Saturday, December 26, 2009

50 of 365TTSM - abnormally large spiders leaping about when they should be sleeping.

I normally like spiders. I didn't used to. I used to think the only good spider was a spider that had been sucked up by a vacuum cleaner and chased down with half a can of insect killer. However, as I gradually came to know more about these fascinating creatures, I developed a certain fondness for them and now often follow them around with a camera to compare the different body markings of, in particular, different varieties of hunstman spiders (which usually results in them feeling very uncomfortable and leaving our house much more rapidly than they used to when I was afraid of them and just screeched amusingly in their general direction). However, when they grow to the abnormally large size of the one in this photo and then leap all about the place on the front door when I arrive home from a dinner that involved perhaps one glass of wine too many, I lose the love a bit. This is not the sort of adrenaline rush I need at nearly 11pm. This spider should have been curled up asleep in a neat little comfy crevice somewhere, not leaping about on my door, dammit.

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