Friday, November 6, 2009

The project. . .

Many of you have probably come across the phenomenon of the 365 Reasons to be Grateful photo diary. If not, you can read about it here .
It's a lovely idea. Very virtuous. And I'm sure if I did something like that for a year, it would make me a better person and the world a nicer place. But to be perfectly honest, I just couldn't take myself that seriously for a whole 12 months and would just start to be all facetious about it after the first few weeks. So I thought I might as well just be facetious from the start and do a photo journal of one thing each day for a year that annoys me. Those little life irritations that make the world more interesting (in the way that Legionnaire's disease makes potting mix more interesting).
With the original 365 Reasons to be Grateful photo diary, the far-more-virtuous-than-me photographer found herself seeking out special things each day that prompted her to experience feelings of gratitude. Frankly, I just don't have time for that. There won't be much seeking out involved in this blog. You'll be seeing pictures of things that annoy me at my desk and in my office and over the neighbours' fence and in the bike lane.
Oh, and don't expect good pictures. Most of them will be taken with my camera phone, because that's nearby. And I'm just not a particularly good photographer anyway. But I am committed and will pursue this project assiduously for the next 365 days.
It starts tomorrow. . .

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