Sunday, November 22, 2009

16 of 365TTSM - Celery, not Neil.

Tonight's thing that shits me was going to be my friend Neil, who knows that I have a blog but refuses to read it, and makes slightly snooty comments about it. I even had a really great picture of Neil making a disapproving face that make his mouth look like a cat's bottom. However, I made a decision at the start of this blog that if I ever included a picture of any of my friends, I would include one of those little black rectangles over their eyes in order to protect their privacy. And when I imported Neil's pic into iPhoto I couldn't figure out how to do the little black rectangle. Normally I would ask my lovely and far-more-technically-able-than-I husband to do it for me (in my very special and quite endearing whiny voice) but he has decided that sleeping is a higher priority than doctoring photos for my blog. So my photo is of celery instead, or I will miss my daily deadline, even though Neil irritated me far more than the pack of celery I bought that had lovely celery on top and dodgy, insipid, anaemic celery underneath, so that only about 23% of the whole pack of celery was of a suitable crudite standard.

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