Sunday, November 29, 2009

23 of 365TTSM - recalcitrant husband doesn't read my blog

This is my husband in his office. He is a very lovely husband and I love him very much. However, as you may or may not be able to tell from my usual very high quality photograph, he has a computer screen in front of him and the content on the computer screen IS NOT MY BLOG. I don't think he has once read my blog since I started writing it, even though I dedicate up to 10 minutes of my life to it every day and regularly wander around saying things like "oh, I got some very nice comments about my blog from my large array of followers today". Last night we were having dinner with some friends and I casually mentioned that I write a blog called 365 Things That Shit Me, which they found utterly fascinating. 
"I haven't featured on it yet. Heh heh heh," he said. 
Yes, well who's heh heh heh-ing now, eh? I am, that's who. Because he has featured in my blog and he will never, ever know. Heh heh heh.


  1. hahaha! pesky husbands, always up to shenanigans when they really should be out shopping for presents for the wife

  2. Damn! Sprung! I must get more surreptitious with my photo taking. . .
    Mind you, this is first time someone other than me has actually made a comment on my blog posting, so I feel a sense of achievement.
