Monday, November 23, 2009

17 of 365TTSM - our office vending machine and skimped on Twisties

Today's photo represents a whole range of things that shit me. The first is our office vending machine. It does not contain a single item of food that could be considered remotely healthy. I usually avoid using it (well, except for chocolate, but that doesn't count, because that doesn't fit into the usual food spectrum of health to unhealthy - it is special) by filling one of my desk drawers with virtuous food to satisfy my "I'd rather eat than work right now" cravings. However, because I am going on leave in two weeks, I haven't re-stocked it and have been getting through my day on a diet of overwork, green tea, extra minty chewing gum and a chaser of general bitterness (and an occasional dash to the cafe down the street for a banana or a sandwich. And lots of the chocolate. Which doesn't count). However, today the overwork only carried me through until about 3pm and it was pouring with rain outside, so I decided to give the vending machine a go. The really evil thing about vending machines is that they only display the front of packets, so I can't obsessively peruse the ingredients list of everything and give them an adjusted aggregate rating based on a combination of total calories, fat content, the chance of them sending me into a diabetic coma and the level of energy consumed in creating them. So I decided that as Twisties are made from a combination of corn and industrial chemicals, they were in roughly the same food group as vegetables. Then, when I got back to my desk and opened the packet, it was LESS THAN HALF FULL OF ACTUAL TWISTIES. The photograph was taken before the removal of any Twisties. Just because they contain all the nutritional goodness of floor scrapings from the cage of a cosmetic company's lab rat doesn't mean I don't want to consume half as many of them as I was expecting the packet to contain. I suspect that somewhere, a Twisties executive is spending a VERY large performance bonus. . .

1 comment:

  1. The word "don't" should be removed from the second last entry of today's blog post. It shits me that I can't edit posts once I've posted them. Or that I can, but I can't figure out how to do it. . .
