Sunday, January 17, 2010

71 of 365TTSM - tissue in the washing

Lately a lot of tissues have been ending up being washed along with the clothes in our washing machine. I can't figure out how this is happening. I'm sure I check all the pockets. The only explanation I can come up with is that I have been cursed by some sort of tissue demon (let's face it, if there was a God of Tissues, she would probably be pretty pissed off that our primary use of her product is to blow our noses in them). As a result, my husband's favourite dark blue running t-shirt turned out dark blue with little white papery bits all over it. Sure, I probably should have washed the whole load again, but decided it would be easier to just hang it out and leave it all on the line until next time it rains, when all the bits should wash off. Given our current drought-like state, the t-shirt might not be doing any running for a while.

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